Opposing fascism

Chorley and District TUC has supported the Unity statement following the fascist hijacking of the Southport murders. Please see below for the statement:

Unity Statement

We, the undersigned, are shocked and saddened by the recent, horrific knife attack in Southport, in which three young children were brutally murdered, and many other people injured.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the families and friends of the victims, with all those affected, and with the whole community.

We condemn recent attempts by the far right to exploit these horrific murders, in order to stir up racism and attempt to divide our communities.

The far right has been at the centre of spreading misinformation about the identity of the attacker, which is unconnected to the Muslim community. 

On Tuesday night, we saw disgraceful scenes as the far right tried to violently attack a local Mosque. The crowd chanted Islamophobic slurs.

These scenes were both praised and fed by fascist "Tommy Robinson", himself a former member of the Nazi British National Party and founder of the anti-Muslim English Defence League. The disgraceful response was made possible by the racism and lies of Robinson and other far right figures, and comes off the back of Robinson’s 15,000 strong deeply Islamophobic mobilisation London.

This contrasted with the mood of the Vigil, which saw the local community in Southport stand united and with respect to remember the victims.

We will not be divided by racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism and any form of discrimination. We reject attempts by the far right to exploit the precious loss of lives. 

We must stand united against division and hate and continue to come together as a community at such times of tragedy. 

We support the Unity Rally, being held in Liverpool on Saturday 3rd August, 1pm at St. George's Square.

(This statement initiated by North West Stand Up to Racism and North West Unite Against Fascism.)

To sign the statement please email

Unite North West has also issued a statement which the Trades Council supports.

Oppose Minimum Service Levels

The Minimum Service Level introduced by this Tory Government are an attack on our fundamental human rights. They seek to curtail the effectiveness of any strikes, using the power of the state to force workers to break their own democratic strike mandates. The law aims to stop working class people standing up for themselves, their communities and the services they run. 

Chorley TUC opposes Minimum Service Levels and calls on all employers to refuse to implement them. Should any try, we stand ready to act in solidarity with any trade unions or groups of workers who seek defend our fundamental human right to strike.

Read the motion passed here:

Ceasefire Now!

Chorley & District TUC calls for an immediate unconditional ceasefire by all parties in Israel and Gaza.

The unbearable terror, suffering and death of innocent civilians - everyday people, aid workers and thousands of children - must end.

We further call on all parties to respect international law, ensuring that all civilians are protected, all hostages are released unharmed and that food, water, electricity, medical, sanitary and fuel supplies are restored.

International law makes it clear that the deliberate killing of civilians, hostage-taking and collective punishment are war crimes. The crimes committed by Hamas and by the Israeli government must be denounced and international law must be upheld.

While the conflict is ongoing it is essential that humanitarian corridors are opened and remain open to facilitate access to humanitarian aid.

Chorley & District TUC calls on the whole international community to work toward a comprehensive and lasting peace ensuring human rights for all and ending oppression, violence and ethnic cleansing as well as the military occupation of Palestinian territory and the blockade of Gaza.

Chorley & District TUC will work to combat the anti-muslim racism, antisemitism and racism against Palestinians and Arabs that is increasing in our workplaces and communities on the back of this conflict.